Last updated
Last updated
Here, You can change Your password.
To do this, write Your current password in the first field and fill in New password
and Repeat new password
with Your newly chosen password. The password must fit the requirements presented in the section.
This sub-pane lets You create a Discord verification code that is required to connect a Discord account with a Space7 account.
By connecting those accounts You will:
Receive a special Role and Badge.
You will be able to participate in our giveaways.
Synchronize Space7 Badges with Discord.
Be part of our community.
Open the Dashboard and go to the Account pane
Switch to the Discord
Press the Get code
button. (The code should have been copied to your clipboard)
Join our Discord server:
Go to the πγ»connect-account
channel and press the green button under the first message.
Pass Your Space7 account's username in the first field, and paste the verification code that You just generated in point 4 in the second field.
Press the Send
If everything has been done correctly, You should see a green message saying that You have connected accounts.
You can do this either in the Dashboard or on the Discord Server.
Dashboard: Go to the same sub-pane that you have created the verification code with and click the Disconnect.
Discord server: Go to the same channel where You have connected Your accounts and press the Disconnect accounts
You can see all Your badges here and modify each Custom Badge.
Badges in the top field are Space7 badges. You can learn more about them here: Badges.
The bottom field shows Your custom badges that You can buy in our shop: You can modify the icon and the title of Your badges by clicking on the pen icon next to the badge's icon. Fill in the title and icon fields and press the Update badge.
In this sub-pane You can redeem products that You have bought or received. To do that, simply fill Product key
with Your Product key and press redeem
button. If code was correct, page will refresh, and Your product will be visible.
Need help? Contact us at our Discord server: